Birthday wishes with some warmth and cheek for any age.
My sincere wishes of many, many happy memories that you will create in your
long future :-) Happy Birthday.
Two wise tips for your birthday:
1) Forget the past, it can’t be changed.
2) Incidentally, also forget the present, I forgot to get you one.
I wish that the past only greets you with heartwarming memories, that
your present day is full of love and laughter and celebrations and that your
future is a place where you make your best dreams come true. Happy Birthday.
You're a very hard person to shop for, so you’re not getting any presents.
Sorry. Happy birthday.
The past may hold what the past may hold. But I wish you that your future
only holds what you want to put in it. Walk into it like a lion. Happy
If anyone has the guts to call you old, hit them with your walking stick and
toss your dentures at them! Happy birthday!
May every day greet you with a nice little surprise - look out for them and
they'll be there. Happy Birthday!
On the hallway table? In the living room? On the sofa? In the bathroom? At
our age, you know this is just a list of possibilities where we could have
forgotten the car keys... Happy Birthday!
Feebleness, closing breath, wobbly knees,
wrinkly face, sagging waist,
many would-bes;
Oh joy, your birthday has once again come
to threaten
with walking sticks - what have we done?
Rejoice though, for truth is
that with every year
there's more and more people who can kiss your butt, dear.
Congratulations on the ***th celebration of your 39th birthday!
They say you need darkness sometimes to see where light is coming from.
Thank you for always being a bright beacon of warmth, hope and laughter in
my life. Happy Birthday.
My God you’re old. Oh well, Happy Birthday.
When life gives you lemons, make a lemonade. When life gives you so many
candles, make a huge cake to fit them all and a great party to enjoy
all your friends! Happy Birthday!
The key to a fun life is to never act your age. Happy Birthday, whichever it
Just yesterday you were all young, lithe and smart, now you’re becoming a
old fart... Happy birthday!
I wish you the power to stop time just for a little bit every day, to look
around yourself and take a moment to feel the fact that you are loved by
many, that there is warmth and love and friendship around you, for all the
years to come. Happy Birthday.
Don’t worry about your age, it changes every year, anyway. Happy Birthday!
Love and be loved in return. That is my wish for all your future years.
Happy Birthday!
You should always take the numbers on your birthday cards with a grain of salt
…. And while you're at it, why not add some lemon and tequila!
Before you turn 18, you’re just looking forward to becoming an adult
with poise and all the answers. Now that you’re here, let’s let you in on
the big secret. We are all just big kids with no answers but better behavior
control, higher mortgages and progressively weakening bladders. Enjoy your
Next PartHappy Birthday Wishes,
Part 3
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